Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Micmacs and other good stuff....

Thank you to Lemmy Caution for telling me about the most recent Jean-Pierre Jeunet movie, Micmacs! Jean-Pierre Jeunet is six kinds of amazing (what, I wonder, lives inside his mind...what kind of furniture, for example...steampunk, perhaps? Maybe not...there'd be some Victoriana for certain). Dig the trailer here:

So, while we're on the subject of film...well, in this case, it might be more aptly defined as "media-related interests," I just posted an editorial on the new USA program, "Fairly Legal", which debuts next week. You can read the whole posting here. And in the meantime, here is a paragraph excerpt:

"Let’s talk about USA’s new program Fairly Legal. It reveals something significant about our culture, something we should be more attune to. Of course, it takes a crack at the supersaturated law profession, from which ridiculous cases inevitably precipitate. And this precipitate matter is what “fairly legal” is supposed to be about. However, it’s not really about the cases because they merely form a chaotic swirl around the central character and become a vehicle for her determinedly charming quirkiness. Important to note, too, is that the program is also offering an alternative to the nation’s surfeit of lawyers. So, instead of another lawyer, we are offered a mediator, one in stiletto heels, pencil skirts, and (I would wager) false eyelashes. She is a woman very likely just a nudge over 100 pounds, which makes her a potential flight risk on windy days."

I start teaching again next week, and I have, as my German professor Klaus J. used to say, "ein volles Program." Seven courses at two different institutions. I'm building my World Lit online class right now. This morning, I finished constructing a test on the Popol Vuh. I also have a column deadline at the end of the week, so really, I should be reviewing books right now. Where did this month go, exactly?

Hopefully, later this week, my review of the exhibition SCALE, currently on view at SPACE Gallery in Pittsburgh's cultural district, will appear in City Paper. I feel like I wrote it a long time ago. It's an interesting show, definitely worth seeing but closes February 6th.

Soon, the February/March issue of American Craft should be available. There, a review of the exhibition DIY: A Revolution in Craft, currently on view at the Society for Contemporary Craft in Pittsburgh's Strip District, will appear.

Now that I think of it...whatever happened to Liza Lou, who was Smithsonian American Art Museum's darling when I worked there back in the early 00's? I know she earned a MacArthur in 2002, but there hasn't been anything since 2008. Maybe she is working on something big....I know the beading can be tedious....we shall see, we shall see....in the meantime, let's reminisce:

Liza Lou
"Kitchen", 1991-1995
168 square feet, glass beads

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